Tuesday, 12 April 2011


In designing the workshops for the 5 days of the event I wanted to choose activities that I knew would be desirable, fun, and for most people something they might not normally have the opportunity to do. I wanted the workshops to be free because the object of the week is to act as an example of things you can achieve by working outside of the traditional box of life. That and, it's nice to get something free isn't it? For those involved there will be reimbursement don't worry about that!

So currently the workshops I have in mind are a Vj-ing workshop with Jonathan Hampton, an architecture 101 workshop with Daniel O'Brien, a pattern cutting or fashion orientated workshop with Kiran Gobin and Alex Oliver, A calligraphy workshop (TBC) and a skateboard customisation session/art jam (TBC).

More specific details about each one of these activities will be posted later this week, once those involved have confirmed their attendance.

Yagga, Yo.

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